A National Juried Call for art and artists please enter on Call for Entry
Each of these installations was designed and installed by the gallery director in collaboration with the individual artists or using concepts from her work as a sculptor and installation artist.
Artists shown: Louis Recchia, Jennifer Hope, Paul Higham, David Lobdell, Tamsie Ringler, Vy Pham, Isaac Sandoval, Martha Russo, Sandy Lane, Laura Phelps Rogers et al
The gallery offers a large selection of Louis Recchia works. He is represented with works in both the Kirkland Museum and Denver Art museum, major public and private collections.
One of the most affordable artists in the gallery - these works start at $895.00 up to $2800.00. Visit the gallery for small works.
Place a piece or two of his work in your collection.
Unable to visit the gallery during hours? Call or email at curator@foolproofcontemporaryart.com - or visit the “Online Gallery” to order, make or secure your purchase of individual works.
Installation by fooLPRoof contemporary art curator Laura Phelps Rogers - paintings by Louis Recchia
36 x 40” oil on canvas
Original Painting
42 x 48
Original Oil on Canvas
54 x 80
if desired mayMay be purchased individually
36 x 44
Original Oil on Canvas
Oil and Canvas
Oil and Canvas
36 - 408” Oil on Canvas
The window area of this painting is deeply textured using quite a unique and technical approach. If you like this you may enjoy visiting the gallery to see it in person.
A 10 foot x 11 foot sculptural mural - designed in 3 sections
The work can be customized with the creation of additional panels - enlargement in sections can be ordered for a work up to 100 feet
Laura is a contemporary sculptor maintaining her practice and consulting in RINO. Born in Denver, her visual background began in Southern Colorado. She received her BFA from the University of Colorado Denver. She is best known for works in cast and fabricated metal, light based work, process based - digital - large format photography and ephemeral materials. Laura is also know building large scale installation works and for placing individual works in an installation format. Her commercial practice focuses on public art, fabrication, consulting, site specific work addressing her client’s spaces, events and budgets.
Current project: Art In The Everyday Community Quilt Project, University of Hawaii Maui College a large scale public social engagement project she is scheduling throughout the US and Internationally through 2023. Exhibiting internationally - Latvia, Ireland, Croatia, Bosnia and Nationally in New York, Chicago, Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Laguna Beach, San Francisco, Cheyenne, Fort Hays, Savannah, Las Vegas, Scottsdale, Anchorage, and Miami and more. Works in permanent collections / Public works include: Talsi Regional Museum Latvia, Anschutz Medical Campus, Colorado Business Bank, Confucius Institute and Lamar Station Crossing. She has had 13 solo exhibitions and a recent survey of work at Colorado Women's College University of Denver. Recent Group Exhibitions: Verisimilitude Republic Plaza, Colorado State Capitol, Art of War Arvada Center, Solid Gone Wilkes Barre, Presence/Absence Lakewood Cultural Center, Grass Roots Woman Made Gallery. Her most recent Solo Exhibition is Enchanted. the GlassHall Gallery currently has a portion of that work on exhibit and her recent inclusion in Crush Walls is an extension of that body work where she produced a sculpture for that commission. At fooLPRoof her installation work has expanded as a gallerist to showcase works of numerous artists expanding the 2-d into 3-d manifestations.
Enchanted was a solo exhibition from 2018. Components have been included in several local and national publications and group exhibitions over 2018-2019.
A solo exhibition from 2018. Components have been exhibited in local and national publications and group exhibitions subsequently throughout 2018-2019
A solo exhibition from 2018. Components have been exhibited in local and national publications and group exhibitions subsequently throughout 2018-2019
A solo exhibition from 2018. Components have been exhibited in local and national publications and group exhibitions subsequently throughout 2018-2019
A solo exhibition from 2018. Components have been exhibited in local and national publications and group exhibitions subsequently throughout 2018-2019
A solo exhibition from 2018. Components have been exhibited in local and national publications and group exhibitions subsequently throughout 2018-2019
A solo exhibition from 2018. Components have been exhibited in local and national publications and group exhibitions subsequently throughout 2018-2019
Laura is a painter who focuses on life forms and texture. Primarily interested in fabric this body of work focused on hands is exclusive to fooLPRoof. Known for traditional and conceptual approaches, this bogy of work is developing into a large installation grid for purchase and exhibition at the gallery. Starting off 2025 a small grid is on exhibit at fooLPRoof. Each hand painting is available individually for $295 each. The collector is invited to create their own configuration a grid, a line etc. Each is an original on panel 6 × 6 inches and 1 inch deep. Need the work you like larger please inquire to see if a giclee is a possibility. Laura holds an MFA in Painting.
image 30 x 36 on aluminum cleat back